Meet Our Canine Companions
My dogs are used for working on shoots, Working tests, in my demonstrations, and also occasionally in my one-to-one sessions.

Head Dog Trainer and Behavourist
Courteney Lawrence
The brainchild of CL Canine Solutions, I can always be found outside either out walking or training my dogs, beating or picking up on shoots, or riding my horses!
I also have a background in pet foods, horticulture, and I have a science degree.

Chief Sofa Surfer
Woody is a six-year old Rhodesian ridgeback, and is the first dog I have owned.
While Woody is not a working dog, he is an excellent lorry dog who accompanied me up and down the country to horse shows, he rides out with the horses, is a top office and sofa dog, and he also qualified for crufts!
Often referred to as 'Scooby Doo', he is a big soppy gentle giant, making him brilliant help with puppy socialisation, and for dogs who are nervous of other dogs. He is very laid back in all locations and environments, and often gets usually unsociable dogs to play!
Woody is also good with all livestock making him a valuable asset when livestock training.

Head of Picking up
Ava is a three-year old working cocker spaniel. I use her for picking up at our shoots as I have trained her like a retriever. She often out runs or picks birds other dogs have missed.
Ava is a bright dog oozing drive and talent! I am very excited to see what this little dog brings in the future. I have worked very hard to make sure she works in a steady manner.
I use her in demonstrations and for many other types of sessions, such as walking to heel, reactive dog help, and training and also to help socially anxious canine companions.
Ava follows me everywhere, her favourite pastime is running up and down the stairs to retrieve her favourite rubber ducky!

Top Retriever
Tango is a 18 month old red fox Labrador, he is a soppy and sensitive boy, i am taking my time with him and am hoping to enter some working tests in 2025. He is going on a couple of shoot days at the end of the season and I hope in time he will be a vital part of my picking up team.

Head Bird Flusher
Fern is a two and a half year old working cocker spaniel, and is fairly unusual for the breed due to her beautiful colourings!
Fern has been out both picking up and beating. She has also been out on a couple of shoot days this season and stood as a peg dog. She is a great beating dog, but much prefers to pick up on her own, rather than in a team
She is a very steady dog and is happy to be by my side watching what is going on. She's been on some live training days this season and the aim is dip our toe in to some trials
Fern is also known as 'Fernie Thing Thing', she is often caught smiling when excited, and even when she is being corrected!

Associate Bird Flusher
Bonnie is a 18 month old working cocker spaniel.
Bonnie is a very sensitive dog, this means I am taking her training in a very tactical way! ​
On a shoot she is a very buzzy dog and loves to hunt and retrieve. She is very steady and will be my peg dog this year. She has become a vital part of my picking up team.
Bonnie loves to collect items and take them to her bed, these items are often socks!

Head of trouble
Lainey is a 8 month old Labrador.​
She is very sharp, a little crazy but biddable at the same time - which I love...most of the time!
My hopes for her are to test next year and to potentially trial in the future. She has great drive and is very clever.
Lainey is often referred to as the 'honey badger' or part Malinois. Her favourite reward is a tug!